mastering the art of compromise…

Throughout this challenge I’ve had to do a lot of compromising. Whether it’s trading in a beloved drink (RIP Diet Coke) or substituting some terrible habits (I love McDonald’s breakfast), I’ve had to find replacements to make it through these tough times. I wanted to share a few of my absolute favorite substitutes:

After dinner I’m such a sucker for grabbing a small bite of something sweet. Whether it’s a cookie, brownie, or a little ice cream, I need my sugar fix. None of those items are going to help me get across this weight loss challenge finish line, but a good solution that I’ve found is Pillsbury Sugar Free brownies. A serving size is 1/12 of the pan and is only 3 points. YAY. (Please note, these are less points than black bean brownies).


Diet Coke has been a staple in my fridge for as long as I can remember. I love everything about that sweet little silver can. My favorite way to drink one is to put it in the freezer for 30-35 minutes and then drink it. That way the little ice crystals form perfectly and make it ICE COLD make my heart skip a beat. Since Diet Coke is no longer on the menu, a great substitute is Seltzer Water. I’m really particular and have tried all the brands, La Croix, Perrier, Dasani, but my favorite is Kroger brand seltzer water. It’s $2.50 for a 12 pack and is my new best friend. They offer a variety of flavors (do not try the cranberry, it tastes like burnetts), but lemon, lemon lime, and plain are my favorite. Both drinks come in at 0 WW points, but the water has significantly less sodium… and harmful chemicals than Diet Coke. (Please note, SPARKLING water is NOT the same as Seltzer water.)


Chips and salsa have always been a favorite snack of mine. Salsa is typically pretty healthy, but the chips can rack up WW points SO FAST. The servings range from 7-10 chips per serving and come in pretty high on points. I have swapped out Corn Tortilla for a new snack called Beanitos. They taste really similar to tortilla chips and allow you to have 1 oz of chips for only 4 WW points. They are delicious!


3 or 4 times a month I would allow myself to have a special treat… McDonald’s sausage McMuffin. Oh my gosh. I LOVE that little breakfast menu of goodness. But when evaluating my WW points for the day, there is not room for that 12 point sandwich. So I’ve swapped it out for my daily breakfast of Walmart brand (great value) turkey sausage patty, one egg white, and a piece of seeded rye bread. The new breakfast sandwich comes in at only 4 WW points and taste pretty similar. (Please note: Great value brand is the ONLY brand that I like. Kroger brand, yuck. Publix brand, yuck. Trust me on this one….)


This probably isn’t news for most of you, but it has gotten significantly easier to live without real peanut butter. Peanut butter typically starts at about 5 WW points for 2 Tbsp, which is obviously a lot. PB2 is a great alternative that gives you the same taste of real peanut butter for only 1 WW point per 2 Tbsp. This is an easy switch.


2:00 SNACK:
I’ve joked before about mid-day snacking, but everyday around 2:00 I crave something sweet. I dream of the peanut M&M’s that wait for me in the vending machine. A pretty good replacement has been Folger’s Mocha Swirl K-cups. It gives you the same sweetness that chocolate would, without any points.


This blog was named after this infamous swap. Vodka Soda by itself is not THAT bad for you. However, I have eliminated alcohol from my diet for this challenge and have traded that 4 WW point cocktail, for a 0 WW point mocktail. Club soda and Lime has 0 points, and gives the illusion that you are a seasoned happy hour-er.


What are some of your favorite swaps?



1 thought on “mastering the art of compromise…”

  1. Healthy Life english muffins are only 2 pts for the whole thing! Add 1/4 an avocado, tomato, 1 egg white, and a slice of Shingles fat-free cheese – DELICIOUS! Only 5 pts and tastes just as good at Mickey D’s. I also LOVE PIZZA, obviously. Using the english muffin – 1 Tbsp of pizza sauce on each side, couple turkey pepperonis, and 2% mozzarella cheese is a great substitute when I am craving that heavenly food. Not to mention it’s much lower on the points scale (especially since the new program started). I plan on trying the sparkling seltzer water too! Thanks for the great ideas, Syd!


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